Your support matters

Make a Donation


Funds are limited and yet we must not forget those who are in greater need of help than ever before. Continuation of financial assistance is critical as lives are dependent on our support. We are proud that your every dollar goes to that cause as we do not have any administrative cost. We seek your continued support for this very worthy project. We are available to provide you with additional as required.


Help transform the lives of millions of people in India by giving a little.

The significant difference that is made in the life of so many is possible only due to the help and financial support of friends such as yourself by donating to AIA Project India. Please be sure that 100% of funds are directed to the betterment of the lives that you are making a real impact to the daily life of the women and adolescents which otherwise would be in despair.

Today, 2000 Families across 80 Villages are served by the dedicated team of staff. These are tribal areas on the border of Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Our team has close relationship with the local Medical Centers and plays a vital role of Advocacy.

We have expended over $ 250,000 in support of programs


Should we even hesitate?


Please make check payable to:
AIA Project India

Mail to:
Mrs Divya Shah
100 UN Plaza
Apartment 38D
New Yok, NY 10017